July 21, 2006


KISS :::: Keep it simple & sustainable...

To be simple and make my time more sustainable, I will put all together...
much much more at

July 15, 2006

Viajando em ecovilas

Diferentes nomes que denominam no conceito de assentamento humano.

De uma maneira breve, podemos dizer que ecovilas sao modelos de asssentamento humano com foco em desenvolvimento sustentavel, combinando alta qualidade de vida, preservacao dos recursos naturais e uma abordagem holistica integrando o habitat humano ao meio ambiente, educacao, decisoes em conjunto, tecnologia e negocios ecologicamente e eticamente corretos. que podem ser baseadas em zonas rurais ou urbanas, variando no numero de pessoas.…..
Particularmente, ecovilas e mais recentemente chamadas de eco aldeias sao uma evolucao do que foram as comunidades alternativas. Porem de uma forma muito mais organizada e com uma proposta envolvente de criar um mundo diferente e nao de ser um mundo a parte.

Mudancas sao bem vindas e necessarias.

Voce tah dentro ou nao? Voce tah satisfeito do jeito que as coisas vao? Voce jah se perguntou porque e pra que de todo este sistema? Jah quis sair e acabou ficando ficando…ficando num espaco vazio, solidao na multidao…

Ateh quando esperar? Por favor, tem um mundo de coisas acontecendo, gratis…nem vem com o papo de grana…quanto voce precisa ter pra ser feliz? Ou melhor, quem disse que nao dah pra ganhar dinheiro fazendo coisas que voce gosta e que ainda sao boas pro mundo?

Eu andei viajando ….escocia, alemanha, australia, brasil…e quero viajar muito mais ainda.
A familia que tenho eh maior que eu imaginava…

Mesmo que ainda seja um mundo a parte por enquanto. Tudo depende de nos, se acreditarmos e investirmos nossa energia, isto se tornara verdade ao nosso redor. E assim vai...

Como Gandhi dizia sejah a mude em voce a mudanca que voce quer ver no mundo.

Sou uma mensageira com portal de ativacao galactica.
De nada adianta o pouco que eu sei se eu nao dividir.
Alias, dar eh uma necessidade prazeirosa.
Voce nao acha?

Eh soh clicar ai! Se quiser e puder, acrescente algo que vc saiba ou queira saber. Eu que sou uma pessoa de perguntas; provavelmente nao vou ter respostas, mas quem sabe aparece alguem?

NEXT: como foi a minha viagem pra Findhorn? Alem da magia jah esperada.....

July 14, 2006

Sleeping in the Park

I choose to be in Germany in the summer as I don’t handle low temperatures very well, even though I am at the moment, wearing a jacket designed for snowy weather.
When I was researching about conflict resolution, I heard about this ecovillage called ZEGG that is a standard for Zentrum of fur Experimentaelle Gesellschaftsgestalttung, this means: Center for Experimental Culture Design.

It is located just one hour from Berlin, well known for their successful group processes and the financial structure as well.
I got at the Berlin train station just after flying from Portugal where I spent almost two months in a very remote area.

My mind is empty.
My heart is full.

I am here and now. Fascinated by the differences. It is another language, another culture, different people, other kind of food... Yummy! I love travel!!

It is night already, I do not speak any German...but let me try to understand these unlimited options of train schedules and routes amongst these people in a rush as any big city in the world.
It looks like I still can catch the last train. Then, it will be only ten minutes by bus.
Getting there tonight will save me money, besides a place to feel home; I am a bit scared of this junky atmosphere surround this train station...big cities sometimes can be synonym of big social problems.

Let me have a browse in the little market as always this feels to me a trip a part, looking the products I have more ideas of the habits of locals. Wow, they have here yogurt in pots of one or two liters!!

I have already a German bread I don’t need that much more to feel well fed as this one that I got "on sale" in the bakery is wholemeal, heaps of seeds. Some local typical berries and a small yogurt will transform this in a banquet.

As the train here is really on time, I get in the platform before hand as I know my Brazilian timing. After one hour that seemed an eternity in an empty and silent train, I get off in Belzig. It is a little town and I doubt that someone lives here!!! It is so quiet, no one at the train station or around...
Taking off the weight of the luggage, I sit at the bus stop and wondering when the next bus goes and looking at the time table just find out that it will be in the next few HOURS! To be more exact, only next morning!!!!

It is only ten o’clock at night ... Deep breathing and I look around, itch my forehead ... My eyes look at the direction of the sky as asking: "Angels, where are you?"

May be a lift, may be a cab...Must be a hotel or a pub where I can get some information!! I hide my luggage in the middle of the arbusts of the park and walk, walk, walk and walk...Nothing nothing nothing. No, it is not fair I say that, the sky is so full of stars, the moon is astonishing and the silence embrace peace...

After my "tour" all around, I am back to the bus stop and even ghosts crossed my path. My luggage is still there and I start to hear voices from the train station. I run with a smile in my face and as a mirage, surprisingly I can’t find the people!! Am I hallucinating? May be yes, may be not.

I am exhausted and this bus stop starts to look like a good shed for the night.
Actually. the park with the trees, stars and some light to read and write will be a five star hotel.

Few hours later.... I read, I wrote, I thought, I drew and I even try to count the stars and I still have six ours more to be creative. May be a nap will be the best solution!!

I open one eye on the side and check the big clock at the station: 1:00am, then 1:30, then 2:05, then 2:30....It starts get really cold and I take my last resource for this "summer": scarf that goes all over my head, face and ears.........allowing just a line space to my eyes and little holes to the nostrils....

I wish I have a camera!!!

In the middle of the night, started rain and I thought it was dream!! Now, I am trying to be Zen and find the comfort into a cold and hard bench of the bus stop and really believing that is some meaning in all this, and in somehow I am still happy and grateful for this inescapable adventure.

Through the night ( mare ) I value the stars, the moon, the rain and definitely confirm how time is an illusion. It seems the clock stopped as the minutes became long hours.

Suddenly in one of my checking sky and time, I see this wonderful dark clouds becoming dark blue, purple, pink, red, yellow...announcing the amazing sun rise. It was already worth my night spent over there! I stretch my body and kind of feel defrosting some parts of it and in a move to warm up myself, I go for a walk and find a perfect spot to practice Sun Salute and play with some tai chi movements and in my way back, my friends tree offer me apples.

I feel blessed and grateful and I am sure that I have been looked after, "they" were here with me.

Let’s catch the bus!!!

July 13, 2006

why this blog?

It seems taking forever for me to just sit and organize my dream web site about travelling around the world with no money.

I'd love to connect with travellers around the world and share hints.
I have to tell, I have an addiction: travel. No matter, where.

Preferably, to remote places that isn't even in the map.
And my main passion is travel visiting sustainable intentional communities - anywhere.

No limits

It is not about money - as I do travel very simple.
It is not about time - as I make the time to do what I love
It is not about language - as I learn that I can do mimic